
Three penises walking down the street
Three penises walking down the street

Among the collections are dozens of giant whale penises tiny guinea pig, hamster and rabbit penises wrinkled, grey horse penises and a coiled rams’ penis that looks unsettlingly human. In the carpeted room lined with wooden shelves, Hjartarson packed an overwhelming number of specimens, mostly preserved in formaldehyde and displayed upright in glass jars. In doing so, he’d assembled what must be the world’s most complete collection of male sex organs.Īnyone in the capital city of Reykjavík with 1250 Icelandic Krona to spare (about $10) can see the collection, now housed in a modest street-level space on a busy corner downtown. He finally achieved his goal in 2011, when he acquired the penis of a deceased Homo sapiens. Over decades of meticulous collecting and cataloguing, Hjartarson acquired 283 members from 93 different species of mammals, housing them in what he’s dubbed the Icelandic Phallological Museum. It took a while, but given enough time, true dedication trumps all obstacles. “It might be an interesting challenge to collect specimens from all the mammal species in Iceland.” “Eventually, it gave me an idea,” Hjartarson told me when I recently met him in Reykjavík. The joke caught on, and acquaintances at the island’s whaling stations began giving him the severed tips of whale penises when they butchered their catch. Soon, other teachers began bringing him bull penises. It was a dried bull’s penis, long and limp-the kind often used in the Icelandic countryside to whip farm animals-and a colleague of Hjartarson’s gave it to him as a joke at a holiday party after hearing how Hjartarson had one as a boy. In 1974, at the age of 33, an Icelandic history teacher named Sigurður Hjartarson was given a penis.

Three penises walking down the street